Keep Beaver Ponds at Safe Levels
Beavers build dams for protection from predators, but sometimes these dams can cause flooding issues for people. When this occurs the size of the beaver pond can often be controlled to prevent flooding damage to human property with a well-designed Flexible Pond Leveler pipe system. This beaver pond leveler is designed to prevent detection and blockage by beavers. It creates a permanent leak in the dam to keep water flowing despite the presence of beavers. It controls the beaver pond level to allow humans to coexist with beavers without conflict.
Since we installed the flow devices we have had absolutely no beaver activity. There has been no problem with flooding of the roads, and it has been very effective at keeping down the costs of labor for the Department of Public Works.” “This way is very effective, it’s very humane, and it saves towns a lot of money.
Town Animal Inspector
Templeton, MA